• 斯泰西康纳利 earned her M.A. 和Ph值.D. at Indiana University. In graduate school, her work with Dr. Marvin Carlson re-connected her with German language 和 culture. Additional courses at Indiana 和 the Goethe Institute prepared her for advanced study in German theatre 和 a fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Service to study in Berlin. There she researched modern German playwrights 和 directors, culminating in a dissertation on the intersection of theory 和 politics in the works of playwright Bertolt Brecht 和 director Erwin Piscator. 

    Dr. Connelly continues to research 和 write about German theatre, political theatre, theatre-in-education. Her years as a visiting professor in Chicago exposed her to a wide range of theatrical styles 和 organizations, igniting her interest in dramaturgy. 作为戏剧编剧, she’s worked on over twenty-five plays; as a director, she’s staged over fifty productions for various university, 社区, professional theatres. In 2019, in partnership with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s International Programs office 和 IES Abroad, Connelly was one of three professors to launch a seven-week summer study program in Berlin, featuring courses in German theatre 和 literature, excursions to Munich, 威滕伯格, 和德累斯顿.

    • Ph.D. in Theatre History/Theory/Criticism 和 Directing, Indiana University
    • M.A. in Theatre, Indiana University
    • B.F.A. in Drama/Speech 教育, University of Oklahoma
    • “The First-Year Experience: Theatre as a Tool in Transdisciplinary Teaching.” New Developments in Teaching Theatre Arts, 2nd edition. Anne Fliotsos 和 Gail Medford, eds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 117-136. 
    • “Peer or Professor: 教师 Actors in University Productions.” Co-authored with Dr. 苏珊娜明天. Theatre/Practice, Vol 3 2014. 
    • "Difficult 和 Dangerous Dialogues: Islamophobia, 审讯, 和折磨," Ecumenica: A Journal of Theatre 和 Performance, 2008年春季. 
    • "Theatre 和 the Power of Memory," an address to the Horton Foote American 玩wrights Festival, Baylor University, 2007年10月. 
    • "Via Crucis: The San Fern和o Passion 玩," Baylor Journal of Theatre 和 Performance, October 2006. 
    • “玩ing for Time: Nelson Jewell 和 the HIV Ensemble.” Theatre Topics March 1997, Vol. 7, No. 1, 59-76. 
    • “Brecht’s Out-of-Town Tryout: The World Premiere of The Caucasian Chalk Circle.” Theatre History Studies, Vol. 17, 93-119, 1997. 
    • "William Henry West Betty: Classical Actor, Romantic Ideal." Theatre Southwest, Spring 1996.
    • 玩 Structure 和 Analysis
    • 代理第一及第二代
    • History of Theatre
    • 戏剧作法
    • First-Year Experience: Social Justice 
    • Seminar on Theatre Between the Wars 
    •  Seminar on German Theatre 
    • Special Topics in Performance: Contemporary Realism 
    • Community Service & 参与 
    •  主任 Theatre, 2018-present 
    • 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s Workload Task Force Committee 
    • 工作人员 director 和 dramaturg, AtticRep Theatre 
    • 主任 Theatre, 2008-2011 
    • 主任 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Theatre’s Drama in the Classroom program 
    • Member of Council on Teacher 教育
    • 教育al consultant, Edgewood Independent School District
    • 教育al consultant, North East Independent School District
    • Adult educator 和 lector, the Episcopal Church of Reconciliation
    • 主任 theatre, 2008-2011
    • 工作人员 director 和 dramaturge, AtticRep Theatre
    • 主任 over thirty productions,包括 You Can't take it with You展位骄傲的穿越 for 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 theatre
    • 主任 只是一个吻 和 黑鸟 对于AtticRep
    • 主任 drama in the classroom
    • Member of Council on Teacher 教育
    • Member of Academic St和ing Committee